
With the arrival of 2024, we’re leaving uncertainty behind and embracing the promise of adventure. As travel restrictions ease, the world beckons us with the allure of new experiences and cultures to explore. It’s time to dust off our suitcases and get ready for a year of unforgettable journeys. Join us at Travel with Me as we embark on a thrilling ride through 2024.

This year promises not just places, but personal growth and connections. From immersing ourselves in different cultures to trying thrilling activities like scuba diving or local festivals, each experience fuels personal transformation and lasting memories. Embrace the unknown, savor local cuisines, and connect with locals. These are the moments where we truly expand our horizons and discover our true selves.

2024 is about more than travel—it’s about the impact these experiences have on us. As we step into this new year, get ready to embrace wanderlust and embark on a journey filled with the magic of exploration. The world is waiting, ready to show us its wonders.

Other Trips

These are other trips.

Getaway for Christmas Cruise from Taiwan to Singapore on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday on Norwegian Spirit. In Hualien, tour ancient temples,...

Tour of Spain and Portugal

Spain and Portugal are two beautiful countries that offer a wealth of travel destinations to explore. The tour typically includes...


This is our second departure for Morocco in 2024 and this time we have included an extension to Essaouira. Embarking...

Croatia and Slovenia-Lake Bled

This is our additional option to join Travel with Me on our privately chartered ship cruising along the Croatian Coast....

The Balkans-Kotor

The Balkans is a wonderful destination for travelers looking for a unique and immersive travel experience. With its rich cultural...

Unbelievable Europe River Solo Deals here/Slashed again on last minute availability. Must book by 30 June 2024

Embarking on a journey to witness the mystical phenomenon of the Northern Lights is a dream come true for keen...

APT River Cruises

Upcoming River Cruise departures have been slashed once again. These are the best solo deals seen in a long time....

Immerse yourself in the untouched beauty of Antarctica, enjoy unparalleled wildlife encounters in South Georgia, or cruise the picture-perfect fjords of Patagonia and Chile....

Finally some fabulous options for Solo Cruisers! The best experiences last a lifetime – solo travel is one of them....

Eastern Europe

An ideal voyage for travelers seeking new, off-the-beaten path destinations. Immerse yourself in new cultures as you travel from splendid...