The testimonials by our numerous clients clearly show the level of commitment to making trips and tours memorable for travelers.

TWME Travelers

Travel With Me (TWME) is a traveling agency working with local experts and offering personalized tours to provide tailored travel experiences. We are the most trusted and well-known agency in Western Australia. We strive to provide you with a safe, fun, and memorable experience! Our friendly staff will make sure you have everything you need to have a great time!

Travel the world with someone who knows their way around. Great deals and amazing travel experiences await you at TWME.

Hear from our past clients, firsthand, about our unique packages like Chilling in Cocos, Truffles & other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests, Flavors and Gems of the Southern Forests, and the Ghan expedition.

In our SFE package, we have exclusive access to areas not normally open to the public. You will read how our clients enjoy the region that is fast becoming known as the food bowl of WA.

See the world and have fun. Travel with Me agency provides you with the best prices, after reading these customers’ testimonials surely you will book your next holiday with TWME.

Egypt & Jordan
May 2024

Egypt & Jordan

They (Tour Staff) went above & beyond from meeting us at airports to transfers & particularly for check-ins. Their specialist airport staff took us to the head of the queue each time & stayed with us until the last minute. The guides were fantastic as well. Loved the Nile River cruise with plenty of relaxation time. Wadi Rum was amazing

Egypt & Jordan
May 2024

Egypt & Jordan

Thoroughly enjoyed my Trip and had daily highlights. Felt safe every day , even though we walked thru metal detector screening daily and had a couple of govt officials on the bus with us as security escorts.
Jordan was very friendly and Safe

Would Highly recommend this trip to everyone , as long as they can self sufficiently walk every day , on numerous occasions for extended periods that include lots of stairs and uneven paths and roads

Food was plentiful and high quality. Beer and wine in Egypt was cheaper than Perth but Jordan Very Expensive.

May 2024


Can I just reiterate everything that has been said about our Absolute Turkey Tour, it was amazing. For me, the scenery and best of all, the company of my fellow travellers was one of many highlights. Considering we were mostly strangers when we started but by the end of the 2 weeks, the friendships that was forged is unforgettable including Ish and Hasan. Also another highlight was our overnight home stay with such a lovely Turkish family, language was no barrier with Ish translating. They made us feel so welcome and I’m sure all of us felt the same. There was so many wonderful breakfasts, lunches and dinners shared as well as as many other highlights. I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone who wants to listen. Thank you

Warmest wishes

May 2024


Turkey has so much to offer we just went from highlight to highlight I could not pick a best part of the trip.

I was particularly amazed by the dogs: one carried a bucket around an outdoor restaurant hoping for donations, another in Kas paid for its meals exchanging whatever it could find for food from a local restaurant apparently it does that up to ten times a day (we only saw it sleeping), and the one I befriended on the last day that adopted us for about a kilometre walk in Istanbul. It would walk with me at the rear then when it decided that Ish had got far enough ahead it would trot forward to get her to slow down. It sat with those who chose to wait whilst the rest toured a Mosque before resuming the tour with us. Of course I encouraged it with frequent pats and encouraging words. Thank you Defa.

May 2024


Turkey was amazing, G Adventures has a great CEO in Isil. This pocket rocket inspired us all in her sheer delight in introducing us to her country, it’s history, culture, infrastructure,  politics and religion (to those interested), people, food, and drinks. There is so much to see, experience, and explore in Turkey, far more than the photographs show.

In providing Travel With Me this feedback I’d like to thank all of my travel group for being yourselves and having a wonderful time with fellow Aussies. Stay Safe and be happy.

April 2024


TWME – How can we do this better?

DEBORAH – Not sure you can you have it down pretty well as it is. I love the mix of people and it always nice to meet up with others you have met before.

April 2024


A very well organised trip! It was my first solo trip in many years but Travel with Me eased my worries from the very beginning with their excellent communication. A memorable experience. I look forward to doing more holidays with Travel with Me

October 2023


India exceeded all my expectations! I loved every minute of the experience. Our tour leader was fantastic, creating a fun atmosphere while ensuring everything ran smoothly. India will live in my heart forever, especially the warmth and resilience of its people!

Cocos Island Trip
August 2022

Chilling in Cocos Island

The week I spent on Cocos island with “Travel with me” was like being transported to a picturesque pacific island with great water activities like snorkeling, kayaking, and motorized canoes to island hop, all perfectly organized along with touring the main islands, rounded off with great meals and the Cocos club for after dinner fun.
This duty-free unspoiled spot is on my list to return to next year.

Thanks, Annette for another memorable trip with you.

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests
May 2022

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests

Another trip with Annette from TWME, this time the Truffles and Gems in Manjimup , may not be exotic But it is an eye opener into this region for the Quality they produce and how they have changed farming habits.

In a 5 day holiday we were based at a Re-vamped motel that gave us everything we needed, had daily breakfast across the road at Two Little Black Birds which would rate well above most Perth eateries. Food and Service Brilliant

During the days we visited local businesses like a Trout and Marron Farm where we heard how ideas have changed on how to function and survive, and that industry is actually listening to what they are achieving, lunch at Dingup House an old homestead, 3 Ryans Eggs where the chooks live in caravans and run free in the paddocks , Apple orchards to eat fresh apples off the trees , and Avocado Plantations. And we got to Listen to All the Producers tell their storey on how they are improving the Primary Industry Farming. We even got to follow the dogs find Truffles in a working environment and Listen to Mel explain how it all works with planting and dog training.

Wines with dinner in their shed at Woodgate was exceptional.

Peos Estate is a brilliant experience listening to Vic and Benta tell their story on farming , and they can BBQ a nice steak, and they are great company.

Tasting plate and wine pairing at Truffle Hills is a great way to fill in a couple of hours on the way home.

Always good to listen to to winemakers stories and how they actually help out their neighbours who are also their competitors

Joe Ditri presents an exceptional Thursday night dinner and a open chat to discuss produce in the Manjimup region.

Well worth doing this holiday , thoroughly enjoyed the solo travelling group , Annette and Peter and their group of producers they took us to,  even enjoyed Sausage production and tastings in another shed environment.

Plenty of places you would not visit without an escorted holiday

Well worth doing this holiday , Have booked on further ones

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests
May 2022

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests

You are doing such a great job Annette, we loved being treated as special guests by the hosts on our visits, especially at Peos Estate.

alan parker
Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests
May 2022

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems of the Southern Forests

I would definitely recommend this Journey because it is so unusual from the normally expected tour. It is a personal touch to each activity and lots of passion from the people that we met.

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests
March 2022

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests

I used to travel with the big-name companies. Too many people. Impersonal and huge fees for traveling solo. So Glad I discovered Travel with Me. These journeys are experiences in reconnecting with WA. The locals, primary producers, fresh produce, hands-on…. LOVE IT!

February 2022


Listening to Peter, his knowledge and information & obvious love and respect for the people and places around Manjimup is amazing. Very informative and interesting.

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests
February 2022

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests

Apart from the total fabulous experience I was most impressed with the opportunity to see and hear the growers and producers stories about their journey to establishing their businesses. Then sitting down each night to savour the produce prepared and presented by chefs who anywhere else would be awarded a HAT or two. The food was extraordinary but for me starting at the source was at the top of the list. The variety of sources was most impressive.


Frank at Three Ryans Farm and the gorgeous chooks

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests
February 2022

Flavours & Gems of the Southern Forests

I think people should jump to these trips with Travel with Me. It’s hard to explain just what a wonderful experience it really is. Can’t wait for my next trip.

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems
May 2021

Truffles & Other Hidden Gems

Wow, the magnificent Manjimup region really opened my eyes the the delights of this corner of WA.  The farmers and producers that we met blew us away with their knowledge, passion and commitment to developing sustainable food production.  Their enthusiasm is contagious, and we enjoyed some fabulous meals prepared with the produce of the region.  A huge thank you to Annette and Peter for putting together such a fabulous tour.

Truffles & Other Hidden Treasures
May 2021

Truffles & Other Hidden Treasures

I have never experienced anything like this tour it felt so personal Meeting all the Farmers, the Chefs , the wine experts and everyone else Pete our tour guide introduced us to and being drawn into their stories and their passion for what they do All Local Gems of the South West.  Tasting all the amazing top quality food and wine ( and there is plenty of both ) was an added bonus . So Thank you Annette for organising this for us and thank you to Pete for taking us on this Magical journey, Thanks Mate.