North Macedonia: A little bit Balkan, A little bit Mediterranean

North Macedonia is a country with a unique blend of cultures, shaped by its history and geography. Located at the crossroads of the Balkans and the Mediterranean, the country has been conquered and ruled by various empires throughout history, including the Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and Yugoslavs. These diverse influences have left a significant impact on the country’s language, cuisine, architecture, and cultural heritage.

The country’s geography also plays a role in shaping its identity, with diverse landscapes ranging from mountains and lakes to valleys and plains. This varied topography has made North Macedonia a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hiking, skiing, swimming, and other activities.

The country’s unique blend of cultures and landscapes makes it a fascinating destination for travellers, with plenty of historical sites, natural beauty, and cultural experiences to explore. Whether you’re interested in ancient history, traditional cuisine, or outdoor adventures, North Macedonia has something for everyone.

In 2019, North Macedonia officially changed its name from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Republic of North Macedonia, following a long-standing dispute with Greece over the use of the name “Macedonia.

Increased Popularity

Macedonia has become an increasingly popular tourist destination in recent years. Here are several reasons why more and more tourists are choosing to visit:

Natural Beauty

Macedonia has a diverse landscape with stunning natural beauty, including mountains, lakes, rivers, and forests. Lake Ohrid, which is one of the oldest and deepest lakes in Europe, is a particular highlight.

Rich History and Culture

Macedonia has a rich and complex history, with influences from the ancient Macedonian kingdom, the Ottoman Empire, and Yugoslavia. The country also has a vibrant culture, with traditional music, dance, and cuisine that is unique and interesting to explore.

Affordable Prices

Macedonia is one of the most affordable destinations in Europe, with prices that are significantly lower than many other European countries. This makes it an attractive destination for budget-conscious travellers.

Friendly Locals

The people of Macedonia are known for their hospitality and friendliness towards visitors, making it a welcoming destination for tourists.


Macedonia is relatively easy to travel to, with direct flights from several European cities, as well as good road and rail connections.


Macedonia is generally a safe country to travel to, with low crime rates and a stable political situation.

Best Places To Visit in North Macedonia

Expect to be greeted by the warmth of the local people, delicious food, music and folklore, rich history, unique architecture, and beautiful nature.


Skopje has a long and diverse history, with influences from the Ottoman Empire, the Roman Empire, and the Balkan region. As a result, the city has a unique blend of architecture, art, and traditions that can be seen in its landmarks, museums, and cultural events.

Skopje is home to many iconic landmarks and attractions, such as the Stone Bridge, Skopje Fortress, and the Macedonia Square. Visitors can also explore the Skopje Old Bazaar, the Mother Teresa Memorial House, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, among other sites. It also has a lively atmosphere with a variety of restaurants, cafes, and bars, as well as parks and gardens where locals and visitors alike gather to relax and socialise. The city also hosts a range of cultural events throughout the year, including music festivals, theatre performances, and art exhibitions.

Despite being a city, Skopje offers easy access to beautiful natural landscapes, such as Vodno Mountain and Matka Canyon. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities in these areas, which offer stunning views of the surrounding countryside.


Ohrid is located on the shores of Lake Ohrid, one of the oldest and deepest lakes in Europe. The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests, and visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, and other water activities, as well as hiking and biking in the surrounding area. Ohrid is also a UNESCO World Heritage site and is home to many historic churches, monasteries, and other cultural landmarks. The city has a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times, and has been influenced by various cultures and empires, including the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

Ohrid is known for its beautiful architecture, including the famous Ohrid-style houses with their distinctive red roofs, as well as its artistic heritage. The city is home to many galleries and museums, as well as a range of traditional crafts and arts.

The city also hosts a range of cultural events throughout the year, including the Ohrid Summer Festival, which features music, theatre, and dance performances, as well as the Ohrid Swimming Marathon, which attracts swimmers from around the world.

Matka Canyon

Matka Canyon is a popular tourist destination located in the central part of North Macedonia, just 15 kilometres southwest of the capital city, Skopje. It is a beautiful natural wonder with steep cliffs, clear turquoise waters of the Treska River, and diverse flora and fauna. The canyon also houses several historic landmarks, including the Monastery of St. Andrew, built in the 14th century, and the Matka Dam, built-in 1938. The monastery is an impressive example of mediaeval Macedonian architecture and is located on a cliff overlooking the canyon. The Matka Dam is a massive concrete structure that created a lake for hydroelectric power. The canyon offers a wide range of outdoor activities, such as hiking, rock climbing, cave exploration, kayaking, and boating. Visitors can explore the canyon and its surroundings through various hiking trails that lead to stunning viewpoints and hidden caves.

Mavrovo National Park 

Mavrovo National Park is the largest national park in North Macedonia, located in the western part of the country. It covers an area of around 73,000 hectares and is home to diverse flora and

fauna, stunning landscapes, and numerous outdoor activities. The park is home to several species of wildlife, including bears, wolves, lynx, chamois, and golden eagles. Visitors can enjoy wildlife watching, birdwatching, and nature photography while exploring the park’s vast landscapes.

Mavrovo National Park offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, skiing, snowboarding, and kayaking. The park’s stunning landscapes and diverse terrain make it an ideal destination for adventure seekers. The park is also home to several historic landmarks, including the St. Jovan Bigorski Monastery, which is one of the most significant cultural sites in North Macedonia. The monastery dates back to the 11th century and is renowned for its stunning frescoes and wood-carvings.


Bitola is home to several historic landmarks, including the ruins of the ancient city of Heraclea Lyncestis, built by the ancient Greeks in the 4th century BC. The city also has a beautiful Old Bazaar, dating back to the Ottoman period, with several mosques, hammams, and other traditional buildings.

Bitola is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including the Baba Mountain, Pelister National Park, and Prespa Lake. Visitors can enjoy hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities while enjoying the stunning scenery. It is also renowned for its stunning architecture, with several beautiful buildings from different periods, including neoclassical, art nouveau, and modernist styles. Some of the notable buildings include the Clock Tower, the National Museum, and the Old Post Office. 

The city hosts several cultural events throughout the year, including the Bitola International Film Festival, the Manaki Brothers Film Festival, and the Macedonian Drama Festival.


Kokino is an ancient archaeological site located in North Macedonia, about 40 kilometres northeast of the capital city of Skopje. It is known for its Neolithic observatory, which is one of the oldest such structures in the world.

The observatory consists of four stone markers that are aligned with the positions of the sun and the moon during the summer and winter solstices. These markers were used to track the changing seasons and to predict the best times for planting and harvesting crops.

The site also includes several other ancient structures, including a settlement, a necropolis, and a fortress. Archaeological excavations have uncovered pottery, jewellery, and other artefacts that provide insight into the daily life and culture of the ancient inhabitants of the area.

Kokino is a unique and fascinating destination for history buffs and anyone interested in ancient astronomy and culture. It is also surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes and offers opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities.

Pelister National Park

Pelister National Park is a stunning natural reserve located in southwestern North Macedonia, near the city of Bitola. The park covers an area of over 17,000 hectares and includes the Baba Mountain range, with its highest peak, Mount Pelister, rising to an elevation of 2,601 metres.

The park is renowned for its diverse landscapes, including pristine forests, crystal-clear lakes, and rolling meadows. It is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including rare species such as the Balkan lynx, brown bear, and the endemic Macedonian pine.

Visitors to the park can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, fishing, and skiing. The park is home to several well-marked trails, including the Pelister hiking trail, which leads to the summit of Mount Pelister and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.

In addition to its natural beauty, Pelister National Park is also known for its cultural heritage, with several historic landmarks and traditional villages located within its boundaries. These include the historic village of Janche, which features traditional Macedonian architecture, and the 14th-century Monastery of St. Peter and Paul, which is one of the oldest Christian sites in the country.


Stobi is an ancient archaeological site located in central North Macedonia, near the city of Veles. It was an important centre of commerce and culture during the Roman period, and today it is one of the country’s most significant historical landmarks.

The site includes the ruins of a Roman city, with many well-preserved structures and artefacts that offer insight into daily life and culture during the Roman era. Visitors can explore the remains of public buildings, temples, baths, and private residences, as well as the ancient amphitheatre and basilica.

One of the most impressive features of Stobi is the ancient Roman bridge that spans the nearby River Crna. The bridge is still intact and provides a unique glimpse into the engineering and architectural techniques of the Roman era.

In addition to its Roman heritage, Stobi also has a rich history dating back to the Hellenistic period. The site includes the remains of a Hellenistic fortification, as well as several ancient Greek and Macedonian inscriptions.

Stobi is a fascinating destination for history buffs and anyone interested in ancient civilizations. Its well-preserved ruins and artefacts provide a window into the past, while its scenic location along the River Crna makes it a beautiful and peaceful place to visit.

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